My little yogini 🧘🏼‍♀️

Now that I’m five weeks post-partum and my c-section incision is not hurting as much these days, I decided to start slowly incorporating some home exercise with my biggest little.

Off to Target we all went to let her pick out a yoga mat and some 2lb dumbbells. Thanks to the Target app (are they still calling it cartwheel??) we saved 15% on our champion dumbbells.

She also had to have a banana from the “free fruit for kids” section in their food court. I’m not sure if your city or state has it, but you should totally check! They have little baskets at stores with apples, cutie oranges, or bananas free for kids to take while you shop. It’s an amazing initiative that reduces the temptation to open a package of fruit snacks or bag or goldfish to make it through the store. Charly looks forward to it everywhere we go. She had it ONE time when she was having a meltdown at Target. We happened upon the basket when I went to get her some food. Now she knows it’s there and starts saying “nana nana nana” the whole time we’re checking out! How does this tiny young person have such a good memory?!

When we got home I did some searching to see if there were any free yoga videos for small kids, and I stumbled across Cosmic Kids Yoga YouTube channel. Guys, this chick is amazing! She wears kind of a creepy blue jumpsuit, but the videos are just perfect to get your kids involved in yoga.

She has 30 minute themed videos that tell the stories of your kids’ favorite movies like Moana or Frozen. Or for much younger kids, like my Charly (22 months), she has “brain breaks” or single pose videos, which are short five minute videos. For toddlers, I recommend starting with something like the 5 minute Walking Through the Jungle video. Charly loves animals so that one was right up her alley.


I sometimes follow the videos with her or just do my own thing and stretch out or do a flow for a minute. It’s a great way to get us practicing and moving together.

A35186CB-3160-4F90-8421-76B42CF33747It has also helped with self-care or life skills as we always practice wiping down and rolling up our mats. Charly was unbelievably excited about the yoga bag I had and immediately claimed it as her own.


As an added bonus, Charly is so excited about yoga she is happy to help clean off the living room floor, get dressed, and put her hair in a pony tail for the day.


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